Monday, September 27, 2021



You should never beg for anything. Whenever you beg for anything, you simply let yourself down by depending on someone's mercy to give it to you.

Begging is a loser's mentality. A loser is too dependent on other people's choices to get what he/she wants and that's why they lack behind in every sphere of life.

Beggars have no choice. And guess what? Choice is the best gift that man has to direct his life to what he wants. So when you beg, you throw away your power of choice. And when you throw it away, you have automatically lost because you are no more in control of anything.

What about winners? Winners deserve whatever they get because they were willing to go get it themselves. They refused to wait on anybody or anything and took their destinies into their hands. They honored their power of choice and that is why they will always live in joy and happiness.

Whatever it is that you want in life, never make the mistake of begging for it. Do what you need to do and whatever you deserve will come to you in surprising ways. Most people have not yet understood that the reason they are not getting their desires is that they still beg for it.

Begging doesn't solve the problem. Yes, when you beg you may be given but consider also that you may not be given. The possibility of you reducing yourself to begging and not being given should scare you enough to decide never to beg.

Learn to work hard to get what you want by not depending on others.. You deserve things by working hard and smart for them. Is it money? Stop begging anybody, go out there and do what you can to earn a living. Is it love? Love is everywhere around you. There are millions of people ready to love you beyond your imagination. Is it respect? Follow the rule of give respect and have respect. Stop begging one person who doesn't give a damn about you and allow yourself to go out and be loved by others.

I don't think we should spend any time begging. If ever you have to beg, let it be your last and only option, because begging is actually disgraceful to any human being with healthy self esteem.

Never Beg For Their Love

Never beg for love. Don’t do it. Don’t beg for someone to love you or be with you or spend time with you. Never beg for their time or their affection. Don’t beg for their commitment and attention. You should never, ever have to beg someone who loves you to stay with you. You should never have to chase someone because the one who loves you won’t run. The one who loves you really loves you, would never let you beg because they will give themselves and their time freely. You will never doubt their love. It was never a question. You were always the answer.

Love must be shown, but should never ever be begged for. You deserve someone that says less but does more. The person that only looks for you when they need you does not deserve you. Look for the person who is by your side when you need them and not just when it is in their favor. You deserve someone who takes you in and makes you feel important in your life without expecting anything in return.

You are strong. You are powerful. You are brave. You are amazing. You are beautiful. You are not worthless. Know your worth, work hard and trust the process. YOU'D BE WINNER! NEVER EVER BEG! NEVER GIVE UP!

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